Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Red Heaven Release Party!

Red Heaven's much-anticipated second album, Moth, was released in true Grind style last night, albeit a few technical hiccups to begin with. Soon enough the party and live listen was in full swing.....

Joel started the listen with some bonus material in the form of covers to get the party going. We all listened intently and enthusiastically as Joel talked between the tracks of the album, little stories. 

The reception of the new album was enthusiastic and appreciative, some dancing, others just content to listen and simply enjoy.

The album itself really caught my attention, and quickly purchased from http://redheavenlive.bandcamp.com. Having myself never been fortunate enough to hear Red Heaven before was very impressed and enraptured by the music, am listening to the album as I write this, Little Moon, Beautiful You and Life Without You already firm favorites. I can't wait to catch a live performance.......


  1. I'll be there in spirit. !
    Computer probs got me down :(


    1. Hey Fiona! It was a great time. Sorry you were unable to make it, but we will be back on Wednesday with lots of live music and fun. Hope you are able to your pc back running ASAP! Hugs

  2. Lovely post! It was so nice meeting you and hope to see you at more Red Heaven shows! So glad you are enjoying the album.


    1. Big hugs, Bonbon! Sapph is most definitely now a big Red Heaven fan! =D It was wonderful to see you. Big hugsx Lisa


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