Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Who are we?

Ian and I have come to an exciting time in the evolution of our

dream of a not-for-profit artist community in Second Life,

The Dirty Grind Independent Artist Community. As we near

our second anniversary, we are working to expand and

improve upon the already groundbreaking personalized

support we offer artists involved in Second Life and their

management team..

Our goal...our passion has always been to provide a haven

for artists in which creativity and community. flourishes. We

are here for our artists and wish to extend our reach as a

service organization.

The members of The Dirty Grind Family put their heart, soul,

time and much more into their art. We give them our resources

and experience so they can better concentrate on creating.

Ian and I share a background in music and business.

My background includes innovation and leadership in the international,

nonprofit sector, communication, creative writing and art knowledge

I am the founder and former president of a multi-national 501(c)3 and

an independent mixed media artist. Ian brings his experience

with corporate administration, as well as management history

with a brick and mortar live music venue.

We offer our artists and their management team our knowledge,

expertise, time and sim to help them and their team in many ways;


- promoting artists work though listening and discovery

booths at our sim and in satellite locations, as well as

our website and blog;



- providing one of SL's highly acclaimed venues,

- engaging listeners and helping others discover their


- hosting a 24/7 radio station, Radio Grind, dedicated to

playing The Dirty Grind family

- host over 40 hours of 100% live music concerts every


The Dirty Grind Independent Artist Community is by invitation only.

"...one of the friendliest communities around." -Linden Lab about

Jasmine's Hollow and The Dirty Grind from Highlights from the

Second Life Destination Guide

Nominated for three Avi Choice Awards

Current artists:

Anidi Huet

Bat Masters

Benski Korhonen

Beth Odets

Billy Thunders

David Csiszer


Doug Lind


Grace McDunnough


Gypsy Dhrua

KatRose Serendipity

Ke Aloha

Kiesta Aljon


Lyndon Heart

Phemie Alcott

Reggie Sunset

Ren Enberg & Quai Franklin

Sassy Nitely

Sina Souza

Senjata Witt

Shannon Oherlihy

Suzen Juel

TerryLynn Melody

Tallulah Winterwolf

the matthew show

The Vinnie Show

Toysoldier Thor

Wald Schridde

Winston Ackland

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